10 Filling Foods For Weight Loss

10 Filling Foods For Weight Loss

10 Filling Foods For Weight Loss These filling foods, high in protein and fiber, are sure to keep you satisfied longer. Struggling to stay on the straight and narrow of dieting? Feeling drained? While exercise and rest are key elements to reaching your weight loss...
These 5 Behavior Changes Could Be Early Signs Of Alzheimer’s

These 5 Behavior Changes Could Be Early Signs Of Alzheimer’s

THESE 5 BEHAVIOR CHANGES COULD BE EARLY SIGNS OF ALZHEIMER'S Follow this Alzheimer’s checklist for early detection Certain behavior changes may be a harbinger of Alzheimer’s disease, and researchers say they’ve developed a symptom “checklist” that might aid...
Best Cardio Exercise For Burning Fat

Best Cardio Exercise For Burning Fat

BEST CARDIO EXERCISE FOR BURNING FAT   Read along for the do’s and don’ts of cardio If you’re anything like me, you have a love-hate relationship with cardio. Although in the past, I was made to believe cardio machines (treadmill, stationary bike,...
These PTSD Signs Are Commonly Overlooked In Children

These PTSD Signs Are Commonly Overlooked In Children

THESE PTSD SIGNS ARE COMMONLY OVERLOOKED IN CHILDREN   Researchers have found that children are more likely to suffer PTSD if their parents also suffered PTSD in the short or long-term Parents often fail to recognize post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) in young...
Yoga For People Of Color Empowers A Community

Yoga For People Of Color Empowers A Community

YOGA FOR PEOPLE OF COLOR EMPOWERS A COMMUNITY Depression is highly treatable when you work with a competent health professional. Talk therapy and medications are the two major approaches that trained health professionals use to treat depression, and both (sometimes...
5 Amazing Reasons Why Your Body Needs More Black Eyed Peas

5 Amazing Reasons Why Your Body Needs More Black Eyed Peas

5 AMAZING REASONS WHY YOUR BODY NEEDS MORE BLACK EYED PEAS   Black eyed peas are packed with power! Black eyed peas are mainly associated with growing up in the south, or eating them on New Year’s Day for good luck or just including them in a stew. But these...

Working Out At Work Improves Mental Health

WORKING OUT AT WORK IMPROVES MENTAL HEALTH Workplace wellness plans have a positive effect on people’s mental state of mind as well as their physical wellness Half of all employers in this country now offer workplace wellness plans, designed to improve employees’...
15 Amazing Kale Recipes To Bring Out Your Inner Green Goddess

15 Amazing Kale Recipes To Bring Out Your Inner Green Goddess

15 AMAZING KALE RECIPES TO BRING OUT YOUR INNER GREEN GODDESS Kale is a superfood chock full of calcium and vitamins A and K Before it became a “thing,” choosing to eat kale wasn’t something that everyone jumped to do. While it isn’t this new green that just sort of...
ben’s real story

ben’s real story

Page Title Here is a basic page layout with a right sidebar Ben, a 44-year-old fundraising and software consultant and father of two was living the kind of life most of live: one where we sit most of the day and don’t get moving too much. At 280 lbs, Ben had been...